5 Most Expensive Bicentennial Quarters Worth $3.1 Million Each – Check Your Change Now!

5 Bicentennial Quarters: In the complex universe of numismatics, few finds evoke the imagination like the extraordinary tale of Bicentennial Quarters that can sell for as much as $3.1 million apiece. What could pass as everyday pocket change may turn out to be a treasure worth a lifetime, an intriguing nexus of historical interest, mint … Read more

5 Rare Bicentennial Quarter Coins Worth $40,405 Million – Check Your Pocket Now!

The 50th anniversary of the United States Bicentennial, the commemorative quarters struck in 1975 and 1976 have caught renewed attention among numismatists and collectors alike. Though the majority of Bicentennial quarters found in circulation are worth their face value of 25 cents, some rare issues can fetch shocking prices in the collector’s marketplace. This in-depth … Read more